Just A Thought

Ravi Zacharias- The problem of evil

In this short clip, Ravi Zacharias gives a very helpful explanation of the problem of evil.

Mormon Cartoon

This cartoon was obviously made a while ago but it further explains the beliefs Mormons have concerning Jesus, Satan, and Joseph Smith. Thanks to Chris J. for finding this, remember if you have any interesting videos to share, use the Contact Me page to let me know about them.

Mormons...are they just another denomination of Christianity?

This video does a great job of explain the difference between the Lord Jesus we find in the Bible and the "Jesus" the Mormons believe in. Share your thoughts in the Video Blog section.

Clip from FOX News regarding Oprah and New Age

This is a short clip discussing Oprah and her involvement with the New Age movement. Check out the Video Blogs for what I thought about it and to share your opinions.

Panorama: Scientology and Me (John Sweeney)

This video is an investigative report done by this TV show called Panorama and it's about Scientology. Scientology is growing in popularity and the report reveals some very interesting things about it. You can comment on the Video Blog page.